
Initial Evaluation ($175)

Comprehensive full body assessment to determine the appropriate plan of care for the client, focusing on functional body impairments and/or pain.

  • May include, but not limited to:
    • Manual Therapy – soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, and item assisted soft tissue mobilization including (but not limited to): cupping therapy and graston/scraping therapy, percussive therapy, and Kinesiotaping
    • Therapeutic Exercises – active mobility exercises, corrective exercises, stretching
  • Duration: 60 minutes

Follow-Up Appointments ($150)

One-on-one treatment session including manual therapy and individualized exercise program focusing on mobility, strengthening and stability to address functional impairments and issues preventing the ability to achieve peak performance

Duration: 60 minutes

Pre-Game Warm-Up / Post-Game Recovery Session ($100)

Includes active mobility exercises/active recovery exercises, stretching, manual therapy, and joint mobilization to optimize blood flow, improve mobility and allow for active recovery (post-game)

Duration: 60 minutes

Bundle Prices:

4 Follow-Up Appointments for $500
8 Follow-Up Appointments for $900
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